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07 Feb 2017

4 Detox Tips for a Healthy 2017

The body is perfectly designed to detoxify via the skin, lungs, liver, digestive system and lymphatic system. However, these days we have so many toxins to contend with that our body can become over burdened from the food and drink we consume, the pollution we breathe in and the stress of everyday living.

After the festive season we often feel sluggish and unhealthy because of our overindulgence in rich food, sugar and alcohol. This is the time to give the body some help by incorporating certain things into our diet and lifestyle that assist with detoxification

Here are 4 lifestyle tips you can use to help your body detoxify and have a healthy 2017!

When combined with a healthy diet, regular exercise and enough sleep you should shed weight and feel lighter and more energetic.

Use more Tumeric

Tumeric is a yellow spice that is used extensively in eastern cultures to cook with and for its healing abilities. It has anti-inflammatory properties and contains powerful antioxidants which make it useful to assist with liver detoxification.

Eat and drink more greens

Green leafy vegetables and green powders are loaded with antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals that play an important role in properly eliminating toxins from the body. Greens contain an important compound called chlorophyll which is known to help heavy metal detox by binding to the metals. Try to eat more lightly steamed greens and drink raw greens in the form of a smoothie.

Drink lemon water

One of the most important things we can do each day is drink 2L of water to keep us healthy, hydrated and remove toxins from our body. Lemon water is especially useful for improving absorption of nutrients, boosting digestion and detoxing the body. Try starting your day with the juice of half a lemon in a glass of warm water before breakfast.

Try some seaweed

Seaweed is a nutritious sea vegetable which is popular in Asian cuisine but it is becoming better known in other areas too. Things like seaweed crisps, kelp noodles and other snacks are becoming easier to find. It is good for our metabolism, detoxification system and all over health because seaweed is packed with vitamins A and C, all the B vitamins, fibre, iron, iodine, zinc and magnesium.
